Top Performing Stock Models
Guru Based on | Number Of Stocks |
手机虚拟专用网络 | Annual Return |
Partha Mohanram | 10 | Tax Efficient | 15.1% |
Dashan Huang | 10 | Monthly | 20.4% |
手机虚拟专用网络设置 | 10 | Tax Efficient | 手机虚拟专用网络设置 |
Martin Zweig | 20 | Tax Efficient | 手机虚拟专用网络设置 |
Wayne Thorp | 10 | Quarterly | 15.9% |
Validea | 20 | Tax Efficient | 10.4% |
Wesley Gray | 20 | Monthly | 10.0% |
Patrick O'Shaughnessy | 20 | Monthly | 14.7% |
Peter Lynch | 20 | Tax Efficient | 9.6% |
手机虚拟专用网络设置 | 10 | Tax Efficient | 14.0% |
Portfolio | Annual Return |
Benchmark |
Factor Rotation - Momentum with Trend | 11.6% | 手机虚拟专用网络 |
Factor Rotation - Momentum with Trend | 11.4% | 手机虚拟专用网络设置 |
Factor Rotation - Composite with Trend | 11.1% | 手机虚拟专用网络 |
Factor Rotation - Composite with Trend | 手机虚拟专用网络 | 8.5% |
Factor Rotation - Macro with Trend | 10.5% | 8.5% |
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Valuing a company typically involves looking at its price and judging that price relative to its current and projected future fundamentals. But what happens when something breaks this process? What happens when companies are no longer valued based on their fundamentals? What happens when factors outside of those specific to each company become dominant over the facts regarding their businesses?7/22/2022
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Analysis of 6000+ stocks using the proven strategies of investment legends like Warren Buffett, Benjamin Graham and Peter Lynch. See the details behind "why" some stocks look good and others don't through the guru methodologies.
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